Thursday, June 27, 2013


Decision making
Not necessarily my strong suit
Always saying I want this,
But really I want that
So indecisive, unsure, lost
Scared, only wishing to hide away

Then I fall deep into your stare
Your stare of certainty, comfort
You tell me to not be scared,
You never tell me if you are scared
You keep that from me, only to protect me

What would I do without you?
You save me from myself
You keep me going
Feeding my hope and stabilizing emotions
You do both jobs of inhibiting and exciting
Your touch;
Calming yet arousing

You say that maybe I’m too good for you
What you fail to see is
I am so emotionally damaged
I couldn’t possibly be too good
I’m always in constant pain
An ache that will forever stay with me

When I’m with you,
It goes away
Perishes from complete existence

How much power you have
Over my heart,
So please hear me, feel me
Love me
Like I do you. 


Love is unsurely unconditional. I still have yet to prove myself to thee and you to me.
I have fallen into a blissful enchantment;
Bittersweet it is.
The nature of this love is so;
You are the fire and I am just dancing in the flames
I am the rain whom seeks to tame down the inferno and fail nevertheless.
What I feel is irresistible, I cannot help it.
Your touch; enticing to a full extent
Holds off all constraints…
I see the perplexity – mystery in those eyes.
They are shouting something;
I always wonder what that might be…
Do you feel the passion that I feel when you stare into my eyes, or what is it that you see?
Love is subtle, deep, and impetuous.
Love is Devotion.

SONNEt 23*

I look into your eyes and see your soul
Pure and full of life, yet you are serious
With an expressionless stare that has a
Thousand unknown words. Mesmerized by your
Mocha-colored skin; so smooth and gentle
Those deep brown eyes that say what words cannot.
The miles in between make me cherish thee.
I can’t help but think as the days go by
The time that I get to see the sunrise
With you by my side holding me closely.
It is not only the outside that matters
Character and values are admired.
I am one of the few to believe your
Heart is big, that’s why I love you Darling.


Veritas nunquam perit
The truth never dies
No matter how hard we try
To live our lives full of lies
The truth will always be there
Looming in the shadows, waiting to come out
Don’t be scared fear only makes you weak;
In order to live a life full of light, you need to understand Darkness
Embrace it. Learn from it.
Veritas vos liberabit
The truth will set you free
Once you accept it, you’ll start living
Remember that everyone dies but not everybody lives
You’ll open your eyes and see reality
You’ll see we live in a kill or be killed world
A world where people only use you to get what they want
If you refuse to open your eyes
You’ll end up being an unimportant pawn in the game of life
The only thing left to do is use the m the way they use you
Survival of the Fittest
It’s the one with the fittest mind who ends up winning
Seeing this truth will put you one step ahead of the game
Let go of the unnecessary lies and pathetic emotions
They will only slow you down.


Certain people are like open books
Plainly easy to read
But you are different
More like a book with a lock
Which you hold the key tightly
 In a closed fist

“People only hurt you”
Seeming cold and heartless
You refuse to let people in
This mirage you put up, a protective shield
Only so others will fear you.
Deep inside you are benevolent and caring
Fearlessness is impossible
It’s what makes us human,
Your intriguingly complicated nature caught my attention
Everything about you draws me in to dig deeper
Your mysteriousness triggers my curiosity
I have faith that one day you will open your fist
And hand me the key you so truly treasure.


I love you more than life itself
But I am scared to love
My heart is like the fragile wings of a dove
I’m scared to get too close
I feel like you will love me for a little while and set me free again
I live on hopes and dreams
I don’t know what to do
I doubt I can trust my heart, for it belongs to you.
I know that somewhere in your heart there is a place for me
I just don’t know how to find it
I could only hope that someday you will wake up
And find that while my heart belongs to yours,
Yours, too, belongs to mine.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Lately I've been thinking about you
Its making me go crazy 
Because I know I can't have you 
You visit my dreams 
and its eternal bliss
I never want to wake up  
So I take many naps 
I know what I dream is fiction 
A fairy tale I believe in 
But it makes me happy 
Even if it's only for a few hours.
In my dreams you're my ecstasy 
I see you smile all the time 
In reality I don't see it as often.
In my dreams you're mine 
and I'm yours
But really, you're hers 
It's funny you see 
I always lose one way or another
and you always seem to win
How would you react if you knew? 
If you knew what I was feeling? 
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0would you say? 

You probably wouldn't care
That's just who you are. 
I truly prefer the boy in my dreams 
from the boy I see nowadays 
But maybe you are that way 
You just keep him away....