Thursday, June 27, 2013


Veritas nunquam perit
The truth never dies
No matter how hard we try
To live our lives full of lies
The truth will always be there
Looming in the shadows, waiting to come out
Don’t be scared fear only makes you weak;
In order to live a life full of light, you need to understand Darkness
Embrace it. Learn from it.
Veritas vos liberabit
The truth will set you free
Once you accept it, you’ll start living
Remember that everyone dies but not everybody lives
You’ll open your eyes and see reality
You’ll see we live in a kill or be killed world
A world where people only use you to get what they want
If you refuse to open your eyes
You’ll end up being an unimportant pawn in the game of life
The only thing left to do is use the m the way they use you
Survival of the Fittest
It’s the one with the fittest mind who ends up winning
Seeing this truth will put you one step ahead of the game
Let go of the unnecessary lies and pathetic emotions
They will only slow you down.

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