Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Being in your arms 
felt like I was safe 
from everything around me 
Looking into your eyes 
made me feel like I was 
the only girl you ever loved 
you made me feel special 
loving you for 7 years 
and still feel that spark 
of fireworks when you 
called my name 
you were always there
when I had no one to talk to 
You were there to help me 
get through my problems you weren't afraid to hold me 
to baby me 
When we fought you always apologized 
even when it was my fault 
you seemed like the Perfect guy
For a long time I thought you were 
the one I would like to spend 
the rest of my life with 
But every good thing has an expiration date 
I opened my eyes
and was struck with the truth 
The guy I thought you were 
was just a mirage 
A fake, a lie 
And just like that 
my fairy tale life was over. 

Friday, December 3, 2010


Wintersweet; my special place
My world between the world 
I'm its creator and Its only destroyer 
There's mountains in the distance
A meadow with my favorite flowers 
Trees everywhere, different colors;
Some orange, others purple or pink 
There are no seasons in Wintersweet 
Its a mixture of autumn and spring 
Its sunny and rainy sometimes 
But neither hot nor humid, just nice
There's a sea green pond where ducks and geese swim around 
Animals roaming round and round 
Filling the air with different sounds 
A golden swing set with benches here and there
And also a never ending brick road in mid-air
I choose who comes and goes 
For it is my world 
I go there when there isn't anywhere else to go 
All of my worries and pains vanish 
When I visit my dear Wintersweet Valley

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


What we had was something I thought to be unbelievable
Though it wasn't enough
Looking at me with those light brown eyes,
I wondered if he looked at her the same way,
making her feel butterflies in her stomach like i always did
Did she caress the freckles on his face like i used to?
'till this day I ask myself why she never figured it out?
You don't feel what you don't see
And the best lies are told with fingers tied
Whenever I catch him looking at me
I hope he could see through the windows of my soul
and realize how he has destroyed my brittle heart
Now I have to live without a little piece of my heart
that he took unknowingly
The sound of his voice makes my heart beat like thunder
And the scent of his skin unlocks forbidden memories.

WAitiNG fOR YOU...

Where are you?
Are you right under my nose or a couple of years away?
I'm tired of waiting 
I need to feel your arms wrap around me 
I need to taste your soft kisses 
tangle our fingers with one anothers 
Be able to stay up talking about anything 
I want to caress your sweet face 
I want to feel safe and cared for 
Do crazy things together
Do simple things 
Make eachother laugh 
Be there for eachother through thick and thin 
I want you 
I need you 
So where are you? 

Thursday, October 7, 2010


You were born October 3rd, 2003
7 years ago 
You were my first nephew 
I learned a lot of things when you came to this world.
I learned how to change your diapers,
I learned how to make your bottle,
I learned that you liked it when I would sing you to sleep and played with your ear,
You taught me many things without even realizing it.
It broke my heart having to move far away and not be able to take you to the park anymore 
I wasn't there when you went to kindergarten,
I'm still not there while you're in 1st grade. 
I just want you to know that even though I'm miles away I always have you close to my heart
Every time I visit you, you always ask me when will I be coming back 
When I go, you want to spend every possible second with me 
You run up to me in the most unexpected times and hug me for no reason 
You tell me you love me every chance you get 
If i didn't have I don't know what i would do 
I would give my life for you 
I love you with all of my heart
Soon I'll be there to take you to school, to the park, to play video games, to play basketball, to do whatever and everything you want

No matter how old you get you'll ALWAYS be my little munchkin